I think by the time this kid is a teenager we will have to live on a farm just to afford to feed him :) So far there is nothing he doesn't like which I love and his favorite food is a banana.

Our mornings are slow in pjs until the second nap is over then it's lunch and our daily dancing. We visit Grandma and Grandpa (papa) and Bryson loves Papa's boat. He points and says "Boowt".
I am loving this daylight and just noticed Day Lights Saving time is coming up soon. I am looking forward to getting out of the house more with lots of walks and coffee on the deck.
On days B will work late and might not get to see Bryson we take a drive to Daddy's work to say hi. Bryson has his own hammer that's bright orange and he "helps" Daddy. Such a big boy.
His Aunt Misty works at a Marina were his new thing is to go visit and feed the ducks. We will have that picture up soon.
While Bryson eats Mommy gets to take his picture and play with the lighting. Best part I get these images to keep FOREVER!!!
I am better at taking pictures then writing haha!!