Our little handsome man is already 3 weeks old!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Birth Story (Part 2)...
After being admitted I was given a shot of Morphine to help me get a little rest. It made my contractions 10min apart which was amazing! Laying around trying to get some sleep 5 o'clock came around and I was checked again to see if I made any progress. Eight hours with a progress of.... still a 4!!!! COME ON!!! By 5:30pm my water was broke and contractions starting within minutes VERY strong. At 6:00pm I got an Intrathecal and had the best hour you could imagine! No pain, an amazing hour of rest. At 7:15pm the contractions were strong and the nurse wanted to check me to see if I made any progress. After her first check she had a funny look on her face and asked another nurse to check me. I went from 4 centimeters dilated at 5:00pm to 7:15pm and the nurses couldn't even feel my cervix. The baby dropped down so fast with in those few hours the nurses were shocked and started getting things ready for a baby. My family was on their way to the hospital and B and I just watched as the nursing staff prepared for our little ones arrival. I was still pretty numb from the Intrathecal so once the pushing started around 9:15pm it took a good 45min for me to really get a good system down and know what my body needed to help get this baby out. It took about an hour and forty five minute of pushing before we had our little handsome man in our arms. I was put on oxygen to help Bryson because of the stress from the contractions and the length of pushing he was getting worn out. 11:04pm Bryson Kenneth was born into a room full of family and friends. B and I, My two sisters, parents and best friend were there for the support and arrival of the first grand baby on my side of the family. Bryson weighed 8lbs 14oz and a whopping 21.5" long! The midwife laid him on my chest while we waited for the umbilical cord to stop pulsing before B cut it. He was beautiful!
Bryson was having a hard time breathing so the nurses took him and put him on oxygen and had to monitor him in the nursery. B went with him and I stayed and got taken care of by the midwife.
About 2:15am I was moved to another room and got to see my son. There we were the three of us... a family. I was so exhausted and so light headed from lots of blood loss it took a good day to get back to feeling balanced. Those two days in the hospital were a blur. We had loved ones come visit and Drs. and staff but the whole time I felt like it was one big blur.
Its been two weeks since Bryson was born and its still taking some time to get a routine down. It takes forever to get ready to go anywhere and a shower still feels amazing! I still miss my sleep but everything is worth it. He is handsome, adorable, cuddly but most of all ours.

Bryson was having a hard time breathing so the nurses took him and put him on oxygen and had to monitor him in the nursery. B went with him and I stayed and got taken care of by the midwife.
About 2:15am I was moved to another room and got to see my son. There we were the three of us... a family. I was so exhausted and so light headed from lots of blood loss it took a good day to get back to feeling balanced. Those two days in the hospital were a blur. We had loved ones come visit and Drs. and staff but the whole time I felt like it was one big blur.
Its been two weeks since Bryson was born and its still taking some time to get a routine down. It takes forever to get ready to go anywhere and a shower still feels amazing! I still miss my sleep but everything is worth it. He is handsome, adorable, cuddly but most of all ours.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Bryson Kenneth
A Birth Story.....(Part 1)
My sister and her husband came down from Anchorage the first week of December to wait for the arrival of our little one. We had walked a few miles hoping to get some contractions started, had a Dr. appointment were I was 1 centimeter dilated and had the membranes stripped.... Nothing happened... I wasn't to desperate to drink any castor oil or do any crazy hot spicy foods, I wasn't ready to suffer for no reason if he was content in my belly.
December 7th 2012, This was my estimated due date. That morning I woke up with contractions starting more frequent and slow creeping back pain. B was at work so I called to let him know I thought things were progressing and I would keep him informed. He replied "Could you wait till after 11:00 so I can get everything done at work?...." Ahhahaha LOL what a dork! Ahuh sure thing babe ;) We laughed. I got things around the house straighten up just trying to keep moving as the contractions became more intense throughout the day. By the end of the day the contractions were 3-5min apart and I had to walk through them as the back labor was very intense. By midnight I called Labor and Delivery letting them know what was happening. We then headed to the hospital to get things checked out and see if I was in labor or just progressing. When we arrived I was hooked up to the monitors and sure enough 3-5min apart contractions and baby looked good. The nurse checked to see how far I was dilated.... "your about 1.5 centimeters dilated." THAT'S IT?!?!!? We stayed for an hour to see if anything would progress. The cervix was soft and we were effacing well my body just didn't want to dilate. This baby was very happy were he was. We headed home about 3am with nothing but contractions and some Benadryl. Which didn't help by the way.
Going on day 2 with no sleep and constant contractions I tried to keep busy but the back & pelvic pain kept me on and off the couch with heating pads and hot showers and still no sleep. Midnight came and went and I was pacing around the house as I couldn't even sit down anymore. I keep debating in my head to go back to the hospital and get checked out one... more... time.... I was concerned that the roads were really icy and it was a Saturday night almost time for the bars to close. I wanted to let B sleep since we just did it the night before. I was to concerned for everything else. By 3:00AM I woke B up and said we need to go get checked again. I couldn't take the sleepless nights but also didn't want to be at home to long if the urge to push came along. Once again I was hooked up to monitors the baby looked great and I was still having contractions 3-5min apart. I'm thinking ok this is it I have to had made some progress with this much pain and a whole other day. The nurse... "Your dilated to a 2"..... Ugg what!?!? I just don't get it!!! I was so frustrated but most of all already exhausted and haven't even made it to the real deal yet. By the time we got home it was 5am and I was miserable.
Dec. 9th, 2012 by 9:00am I found myself picking up the phone calling the nurse at the hospital in tears telling her I couldn't do another day/night of this. I was drained, in so much pain, but most of all exhausted like I have never been in my life. The nurse said to come on in and we will go from there. The tears fallowed all the way to town and poor B could only put his hand on my leg and fell helpless.
One more time I put the gown on, climbed into the bed, put the monitors on and felt hopeless of any change. I was ready for anything, something to change. By this time a c-section was sounding great! Still contracting, baby still comfortable in there. The nurse "Your dilated to a 4 and we can admit you." I think for those 5seconds after her saying a "4" I felt like I won the lottery... And then a contraction started again.... :)
My sister and her husband came down from Anchorage the first week of December to wait for the arrival of our little one. We had walked a few miles hoping to get some contractions started, had a Dr. appointment were I was 1 centimeter dilated and had the membranes stripped.... Nothing happened... I wasn't to desperate to drink any castor oil or do any crazy hot spicy foods, I wasn't ready to suffer for no reason if he was content in my belly.
December 7th 2012, This was my estimated due date. That morning I woke up with contractions starting more frequent and slow creeping back pain. B was at work so I called to let him know I thought things were progressing and I would keep him informed. He replied "Could you wait till after 11:00 so I can get everything done at work?...." Ahhahaha LOL what a dork! Ahuh sure thing babe ;) We laughed. I got things around the house straighten up just trying to keep moving as the contractions became more intense throughout the day. By the end of the day the contractions were 3-5min apart and I had to walk through them as the back labor was very intense. By midnight I called Labor and Delivery letting them know what was happening. We then headed to the hospital to get things checked out and see if I was in labor or just progressing. When we arrived I was hooked up to the monitors and sure enough 3-5min apart contractions and baby looked good. The nurse checked to see how far I was dilated.... "your about 1.5 centimeters dilated." THAT'S IT?!?!!? We stayed for an hour to see if anything would progress. The cervix was soft and we were effacing well my body just didn't want to dilate. This baby was very happy were he was. We headed home about 3am with nothing but contractions and some Benadryl. Which didn't help by the way.
Going on day 2 with no sleep and constant contractions I tried to keep busy but the back & pelvic pain kept me on and off the couch with heating pads and hot showers and still no sleep. Midnight came and went and I was pacing around the house as I couldn't even sit down anymore. I keep debating in my head to go back to the hospital and get checked out one... more... time.... I was concerned that the roads were really icy and it was a Saturday night almost time for the bars to close. I wanted to let B sleep since we just did it the night before. I was to concerned for everything else. By 3:00AM I woke B up and said we need to go get checked again. I couldn't take the sleepless nights but also didn't want to be at home to long if the urge to push came along. Once again I was hooked up to monitors the baby looked great and I was still having contractions 3-5min apart. I'm thinking ok this is it I have to had made some progress with this much pain and a whole other day. The nurse... "Your dilated to a 2"..... Ugg what!?!? I just don't get it!!! I was so frustrated but most of all already exhausted and haven't even made it to the real deal yet. By the time we got home it was 5am and I was miserable.
Dec. 9th, 2012 by 9:00am I found myself picking up the phone calling the nurse at the hospital in tears telling her I couldn't do another day/night of this. I was drained, in so much pain, but most of all exhausted like I have never been in my life. The nurse said to come on in and we will go from there. The tears fallowed all the way to town and poor B could only put his hand on my leg and fell helpless.
One more time I put the gown on, climbed into the bed, put the monitors on and felt hopeless of any change. I was ready for anything, something to change. By this time a c-section was sounding great! Still contracting, baby still comfortable in there. The nurse "Your dilated to a 4 and we can admit you." I think for those 5seconds after her saying a "4" I felt like I won the lottery... And then a contraction started again.... :)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Pregnancy Overall....
Having felt pregnant for over a year and a half with the past two miscarriages the time has gone by faster then expected. Its hard to even imagine what it was going to be like growing a little baby. I was pretty lucky to not have any morning sickness. There would be days I would walk by my mirror and out of the corner of my eye catch a big bump around the stomach area. "What the!" "OH YEAH.... I'm pregnant!" Very lucky in that area but took some adjusting to being pregnant and not having the feeling of it... Until later...
B and I found out we were having a boy in July. After the ultrasound the Dr. wanted to send me to a specialist to have a better look at the babies heart. I was sent to Anchorage where an extensive ultrasound was done checking out every angle of this little baby. In Ketchikan they found a bright spot on the baby's heart that concerned them. After lots of review in Anchorage I was told this is something so common in the early stages of pregnancy to not worry. And yes I made sure they checked to see if he was still a boy :) It was a great trip overall. I got to hang out with my sister and brother-in-law AND was there when they told the news to our parents they were expecting a baby in March!!!! I am so excited for both of our growing families!
The first time I felt him move we were 19weeks along. It took a few more weeks before B could feel him and ever since its been no-stop movement. All my OB test that were done came back great and the baby grew on schedule always with a strong heart beat. We couldn't be more happier.
Around 7.5 months OVER NIGHT "boom" hello stretch marks. That marked a moment for me that this was it... I was going to be a mom. My weight gain was slow and steady with little help from me so I am thankful for that :) With about 2 months left to go my pelvis started to hurt. Not just a little but there would be nights I couldn't even roll over without grinding my teeth off. I would say this is the most painful, uncomfortable thing throughout this pregnancy so far. I cant wait to say goodbye to that!
We are at week 39 just waiting for our little son to arrive. I am more tired and a little stuffy. People ask me if I have been nesting, let me just say I "nest" 365 days a year! haha.
Its starting to snow and all the Christmas decorations are up I even have my Christmas shopping done. The hospital bags are pack and the family is coming to town. I would say this is going to be one loved baby.
Overall did I like being pregnant?.... Lets just say its going to be worth it maybe one more time :)
B and I found out we were having a boy in July. After the ultrasound the Dr. wanted to send me to a specialist to have a better look at the babies heart. I was sent to Anchorage where an extensive ultrasound was done checking out every angle of this little baby. In Ketchikan they found a bright spot on the baby's heart that concerned them. After lots of review in Anchorage I was told this is something so common in the early stages of pregnancy to not worry. And yes I made sure they checked to see if he was still a boy :) It was a great trip overall. I got to hang out with my sister and brother-in-law AND was there when they told the news to our parents they were expecting a baby in March!!!! I am so excited for both of our growing families!
The first time I felt him move we were 19weeks along. It took a few more weeks before B could feel him and ever since its been no-stop movement. All my OB test that were done came back great and the baby grew on schedule always with a strong heart beat. We couldn't be more happier.
Around 7.5 months OVER NIGHT "boom" hello stretch marks. That marked a moment for me that this was it... I was going to be a mom. My weight gain was slow and steady with little help from me so I am thankful for that :) With about 2 months left to go my pelvis started to hurt. Not just a little but there would be nights I couldn't even roll over without grinding my teeth off. I would say this is the most painful, uncomfortable thing throughout this pregnancy so far. I cant wait to say goodbye to that!
We are at week 39 just waiting for our little son to arrive. I am more tired and a little stuffy. People ask me if I have been nesting, let me just say I "nest" 365 days a year! haha.
Its starting to snow and all the Christmas decorations are up I even have my Christmas shopping done. The hospital bags are pack and the family is coming to town. I would say this is going to be one loved baby.
Overall did I like being pregnant?.... Lets just say its going to be worth it maybe one more time :)
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I feel like I went into hibernation early this year...
Since September B and I have got the Nursery all done just waiting for baby Brissette to join our family.
I had a great 29th Birthday with the first snow flurry's two days before. B and I went for a walk with Zoe to enjoy it but it didnt last long as the cold got to us fast.
I heed and hawed about doing a belly cast and finally decided it would be a great memory. I had my Mom and McKinsee help out and it was worth it. Time with friends and family are sometimes greater then the project itself. Once the cast was dried I had another friend who painted her belly cast put her talents to work on mine. I LOVE IT!!!! After seeing the final project I will defiantly consider doing is again with another pregnancy.... Down the road a bit :)
Taking some Birthing Classes was a reality check that things are moving and moving fast. We learned how to swaddle, breast feeding, were babies come from.... (haha I think we got the idea!) Braxton Hicks contractions have been in full practice but the last few weeks have really beefed up. This baby is a mover. People say they slow down went they get bigger and run out of room in there but when I have to hold my breath waiting for him to stop moving I doubt he got the memo. Feeling little hand and feet brush up against my belly is something I will miss.
Halloween was a weekday so I got to wear a hand-me-down that was perfect! There is a baby skeleton under the ribcage. So fun! Who do I get to pass this on to next year?
The Baby Shower was Nov. 3rd. Surrounded by loved ones it was a great time. This Boy is definitely love and spoiled already! I am grateful to have loving support around us. I can say he will never go naked, his closet is packed and diaper wipes should last for a few months! Gota love the wipes!
Since September B and I have got the Nursery all done just waiting for baby Brissette to join our family.
I had a great 29th Birthday with the first snow flurry's two days before. B and I went for a walk with Zoe to enjoy it but it didnt last long as the cold got to us fast.
B acting like a deer.... lol |
32 Weeks |
Sarah Harney took the ideas from my baby shower invitation and some fabric I have that will become a baby blanket. I truly love this so much! |
Taking some Birthing Classes was a reality check that things are moving and moving fast. We learned how to swaddle, breast feeding, were babies come from.... (haha I think we got the idea!) Braxton Hicks contractions have been in full practice but the last few weeks have really beefed up. This baby is a mover. People say they slow down went they get bigger and run out of room in there but when I have to hold my breath waiting for him to stop moving I doubt he got the memo. Feeling little hand and feet brush up against my belly is something I will miss.
What a sport Zoe!!! B practicing the swaddle! :) |
Halloween was a weekday so I got to wear a hand-me-down that was perfect! There is a baby skeleton under the ribcage. So fun! Who do I get to pass this on to next year?
The Baby Shower was Nov. 3rd. Surrounded by loved ones it was a great time. This Boy is definitely love and spoiled already! I am grateful to have loving support around us. I can say he will never go naked, his closet is packed and diaper wipes should last for a few months! Gota love the wipes!
~36weeks~ |
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
Nursery is coming together
Finding baby boy bedding is not only pricy but um lets just say I don't want to go with a theme quite yet so the Lion King set wouldn't go with my gray/blue ideas... I found lots of stuff on Etsy that I am going to recreate and same some money by making it myself. Here is the fabric I got for making the crib skirt and blankets.
These are so cute and are going on the walls, (not making these :)
Making this for above crib area,
And had to buy this for my new bag/diaper bag :)
B has been busy working on the room painting and making a shelf that looks amazing. We are hoping this weekend to put up the crib and start decorating! Pictures coming soon. I went to Anchorage last weekend to get an in depth ultrasound of the baby's heart. Everything looked great and no worries on our end.
I got to spend four days with my sister and her husband which was much needed. We got to visit the Alaska State Fair and do some baby shopping. (how addicting!) The best part of my trip was to see her ultrasound pictures of my future Nephew/Niece!!!!!! Yup she is pregnant!! We are exactly 12 weeks apart!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!
We are 27 Weeks Pregnant :)
These are so cute and are going on the walls, (not making these :)
Making this for above crib area,
And had to buy this for my new bag/diaper bag :)
B has been busy working on the room painting and making a shelf that looks amazing. We are hoping this weekend to put up the crib and start decorating! Pictures coming soon. I went to Anchorage last weekend to get an in depth ultrasound of the baby's heart. Everything looked great and no worries on our end.
I got to spend four days with my sister and her husband which was much needed. We got to visit the Alaska State Fair and do some baby shopping. (how addicting!) The best part of my trip was to see her ultrasound pictures of my future Nephew/Niece!!!!!! Yup she is pregnant!! We are exactly 12 weeks apart!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!
We are 27 Weeks Pregnant :)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
17 weeks along is when I first started to feel the baby move. I have to say this is the first moment I felt pregnant. By 19.5 weeks B could feel the baby move and its been non-stop moving since! July 20 we had our big ultrasound at 20weeks along. I was so nervous and excited both at the same time. Is the baby healthy? What are we having? This is such a reality check! Laying there watching the images because clear we saw our baby healthy and moving. The heart was strong and the profile is so precious. Watching and waiting to find out what this little baby's gender is was so beautiful. Then we heard the words.... Your having a BOY! B was so excited he shouted YES and clapped his hands! It was so cute it startled me. He is so quite but made it loud and clear he was over joyed with our baby being a boy :) The whole pregnancy before we found out I felt it was a boy so I was thrilled right along with him.
The weekend after we found out we were having a boy we planned a trip to Seattle to go baby shopping and visit friends and family. Needless to say baby shopping is SO overwhelming! I had to take a few extra breaths. We got so much done in three days I felt like I had just ran a marathon but did it standing on one spot.
The weekend after we found out we were having a boy we planned a trip to Seattle to go baby shopping and visit friends and family. Needless to say baby shopping is SO overwhelming! I had to take a few extra breaths. We got so much done in three days I felt like I had just ran a marathon but did it standing on one spot.
Thanks Doug & McKinsee for our babys first bed!! |
Friday, July 6, 2012
Slacking, Randomness and just plan lazy...
I really have lost all my umff the last couple of months. I can't determine if its the baby taking all my energy or just me loving my couch and pj's... its the baby haha. Some day's I think B & Zoe are pregnant too taking up the whole couch :)
I helped my sister Misty make these cake pops for a bridal shower. They turned out so cute!
I am not big on ice cream but when I saw this it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!
Brian and McKinsee trading snack's. :)
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! Amazing enough we had nice weather that we deserved for the many years of rain and wind. Starting at the booths, oh and FYI the lumpia booth took all my money! Its amazing, I love their food so much we stopped literally three time. haha. Walking to the tunnel where we watched the parade and had some drinks (I downed a Shirley Temple like there was no tomorrow!) with friends was very fun. Ending our 4th with a boat ride to and from a beach party we watched the whole coast line shooting off fireworks on our way home in the night sky. Best 4th in a long time.
I helped my sister Misty make these cake pops for a bridal shower. They turned out so cute!
I am not big on ice cream but when I saw this it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!
Finally getting out of the house we took a couple skiffs loaded them with amazing friends and headed to Naha. I love this place. Talk about beautiful.
Brian and McKinsee trading snack's. :)
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!! Amazing enough we had nice weather that we deserved for the many years of rain and wind. Starting at the booths, oh and FYI the lumpia booth took all my money! Its amazing, I love their food so much we stopped literally three time. haha. Walking to the tunnel where we watched the parade and had some drinks (I downed a Shirley Temple like there was no tomorrow!) with friends was very fun. Ending our 4th with a boat ride to and from a beach party we watched the whole coast line shooting off fireworks on our way home in the night sky. Best 4th in a long time.
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