17 weeks along is when I first started to feel the baby move. I have to say this is the first moment I felt pregnant. By 19.5 weeks B could feel the baby move and its been non-stop moving since! July 20 we had our big ultrasound at 20weeks along. I was so nervous and excited both at the same time. Is the baby healthy? What are we having? This is such a reality check! Laying there watching the images because clear we saw our baby healthy and moving. The heart was strong and the profile is so precious. Watching and waiting to find out what this little baby's gender is was so beautiful. Then we heard the words.... Your having a BOY! B was so excited he shouted YES and clapped his hands! It was so cute it startled me. He is so quite but made it loud and clear he was over joyed with our baby being a boy :) The whole pregnancy before we found out I felt it was a boy so I was thrilled right along with him.

The weekend after we found out we were having a boy we planned a trip to Seattle to go baby shopping and visit friends and family. Needless to say baby shopping is SO overwhelming! I had to take a few extra breaths. We got so much done in three days I felt like I had just ran a marathon but did it standing on one spot.
Thanks Doug & McKinsee for our babys first bed!! |
Here is the back of the truck when we got home! |

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