I have been "tagged" by Tory @ Life as we know it to write 11 Random things about me and to answer some questions.
- Post these rules
- You must post 11 random things about yourself
- Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
- Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
- Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog
11 Random Things About Me:
1. I WILL NOT walk bear foot on seaweed!! It totally grosses me out. I will swim up to the beach till my chest hits the sand before I walk on seaweed.
2. I am not a worrier, stresser is more in my cards.
3. My dream job would be to fly helicopters. Ahh freedom.
4. Pop is not in my diet only because I am not a fan of carbonated drinks. I also am not a gum chewer.
5. I am a planner, I have a calendar in my bag at all times and am probably 25% OCD when it comes to being organized and yes I get annoyed with myself about it. :)
6. Spiders are dead to me... Well, after I see one. NOT A FAN!!
7. I think I have an addiction to Starbucks. I know its bad when I have to dig change out from the car. haha
8. I want to be more of an active person in the workout area and be more green. I would love to live in a place were I can grow my own food.
9. A job I loved was a Batista (making coffee) not because I love to drink coffee but the atmosphere and the hustle is bliss to my brain. I will make coffee again one day.
10. I am 10% germaphobic. Asides from my job I wash my hands more then 20times a day. Don't even think about sharing my chap stick. Yuck!
11. I am blessed with having a best friend, worst enemy, emotionally connected, battle field partner but most of all a loving me for who I am, husband.
Here are the questions from Tory:
1. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? I would love to live on a ranch. Not sure as to were but some place with miles of land that I could live off of and have animals.
2. What is a pet peeve of yours? Pet Peeve, people that don't take responsibility for their own consequences and others have to pick up their mess.
3. What inspires you? Truth
4. If you could have one day for just YOU what would you do, where would you go, and what would you eat? I would get in a helicopter and fly, forever. Find a place with a home cooked meal and people to laugh with and hopefully have live music. :)
5. Flowers or chocolate? Depends, I am a white chocolate girl so I'll take the flowers over milk chocolate.
6. Coffee or Tea? COFFEE!!!!! (with white chocolate!)
7. What book are you currently reading? Ugg, the book question... I would love to be a book worm but don't have the patience I need to enjoy it. Busy body I am.
8. What is your favorite blog or website? I love to look at Jasmine Star's blog. She is an amazing photographer and open with who she is.
9. Where do you shop most often? Online? Wish we had a mall. Old Navy, I am a sucker for comfy clothes.
10. If you could change your name, what would it be? When I was young I wanted my name to be Sandy from Grease lol. I think I am happy with my name.
11. What is your favorite childhood memory? Camping on the boat for Derby days then waking up to my Dad yelling fish on! Then the yummy breakfasts we would make on the camp stove. mmm
Here are my questions for you ladies:
1. What has been your best vacation?
2. If you were born the other gender what would your name have been?
3. What are you on the most, Internet or TV?
4. If you could live in any era what time would that be?
5. What would your dream "date night" consist of?
6. What do you prefer, Warm weather or cool weather?
7. Who has been a role model in your life?
8. Who is your celebrity crush?
9. If you had a chance to fly to space would you go and why?
10. What tv game show would you play on?
11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
And I am tagging: Elisa & Helen
Have Fun!
And I am tagging: Elisa & Helen
Have Fun!
Tory also gave me a Liebster award!
This award is given to bloggers who have less than 200 followers, as a way of creating new connections. Liebster is German and means 'dearest' or 'beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'. When you receive the award, you then pass it onto 3-5 other deserving bloggers as a way to pay it back and spread the love.
These ladies are being tagged for both the 11 things post and the Liebster award!
Rules for passing on the Liebster Blog Award (unless you just passed to me):
- Choose 3-5 up and coming blogs to award to with less than 200 followers.
- Show your appreciation to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to them.
- Post the award on your blog.
- Link back to the blogs you are awarding to so that everyone else can pay them a visit.
Happy Blogging!
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