Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming soon...

Baby Brissette!! 

B and I were actually in shock for this one. Last February we made a decision together to take a break from the intentional "baby making" and focus on our health and where God wanted us to go next in our life. I stayed with my friend Jenn in Seattle the end of March before the Phoenix dental convention. We were on our way to breakfast and I was sitting in the front of her car with my legs crossed and as we parked I got out of the car, shut the door and had a bad cramp in my uterus. I walked to the end of the car gave Jenn a funny look and said "Um, Don't think I'm crazy but I am pretty sure I am pregnant!" Sure enough, there in that Safeway bathroom on March 28th I saw the two pink little lines that melted my heart.

We had our first ultrasound at 6.3 weeks along. We wanted to go in early to see if we have made it past the 6 week mark. The last two pregnancies never made it past 6 weeks and we never found out until week 10. I was so scared, my stomach was in knots and my heart was pounding. I met B at the OB and we headed in with very few words. The scene was all to familiar, we have been here twice before. The Dr. came in and we went over the questionnaire once more. I felt like I was holding my breath as the ultrasound screen began to take shape....

I pointed to the screen and said "Look B I see the HEARTBEAT!!!" The most beautiful thing we have ever seen. Thank you God for your blessings and love. 152bpm and measuring 6w3d!!

May 18, 2012
With way more hope and excitement then ever before we had our 2nd appointment at 11weeks to see if our sweet baby was still beating strong. And....

We couldn't be more overjoyed! Due the beginning of December our little Baby is healthy and we are so happy!

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