Friday, July 12, 2013

Update: July's personal goal...

So, I'v kinda been dreading this update from my July's personal goal post. Truthfully because I'v done nothing! Ugg! Sooo many food gatherings this month but number one I'm just being lazy which makes my personal goal go nowhere, nada, zero. But its still not to late to start!
Weight lose and weight gain has always been a part of my life. It used to control me, Sad. I truly believe food addictions are the HARDEST "drug" to get free from because its also a "drug" your body has to have to survive unlike any other addiction. I know my weaknesses and strengths but also know to well how to settle. Once I start its no turning back KEY work START and I love it but deep down their is that voiced that says...

I would love if you know of any weight loss blogs out there to give me some motivation :)


  1. I follow a couple but they are paleoish and workout oriented! One theclothesmakethegirl(she has a cookbook called well fed that I bought) and the other is fitsugar I also follow some on fb ill send you the pages.. although I can not honestly say they keep me motivated yet they are nice reads with great ideas. It has been a rough start for me too! :(
