Before I had kids I was the Mom that said, "Oh my kid isn't going to do that." Or "They will know better." Surprise! How wrong was I!! What was I thinking? Did I not think my kid would have a personality? Haha. No matter how prepared we were from having the right crib, buying organic bath wash, having enough diapers, I think you forget about the little soul that needs its own growth. I didn't relies how MUCH of myself/my marriage (in a good way) I would have to sacrifice to help this little being grow. Our little being. I now know the sacrifice my parents made and cherish their selfless love.
As a parent we are the nurturer & protector. No one else signed up for this role even if the role is unplanned. I couldn't imagine life without my family and also need to remember THIS is worth the struggles.
Bryson is going through the clingy phase when in public. He was not much for snuggles so when he is clingy I have to say I kinda love it :) The last two months of growth and maturity have been amazing. Its that in awe feeling you get when you watch a big airliner jet take off. How do they do that? Its moments like this that make me blessed to be a stay at home Mom.
Happy Friday!
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