Thursday, March 20, 2014

Snow, Cup Cakes & Family

Bryson and I planned a last minute trip to visit my sister in Anchorage for my niece's first Birthday. We did a good job lying to my sister... You see, my Mom (High school sweat hearts with my Dad) had NEVER traveled without him. Like, EVER. So when my sister called my Dad the day I was traveling and he said my Mom was busy with a church "function" and would call her back later my sister would believe it knowing our Mom wouldn't travel without her partner in crime, until now!  I also would text my Sis about how I hoped I didn't have to use the bathroom while on the plane since I was traveling alone with a toddler. Once we landed my Mom hide with her bags at another exit door in the baggage claim lobby. My sister pulled up, helped put my bags in the car and then I told her "and these bags to". There stood our Mom bags and all asking if she could have a ride to. Tears of joy were expressed and the words "No Way!" was voiced as hugs were embraced. Success!  A good week of Mother, Daughter, Grandma, Niece, Nephew, Grand kids times were enjoyed. 
Here's a few pictures of our week together.

This is what life is about! 

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