Wednesday, April 30, 2014


  • Spring Cleaning
  • Zoe turned 9
  • Happy Easter
  • Easter Mini Photo Session's Success! 
  • Weight lose BOOM
  • Juicing Yum
  • The Whales are back!
  • New Camera & Computer. ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!  
  • Life style change, LOVE
  • Picture taking fool
  • Clean car
  • Boat rides YA!
  • Puddle jumping Baby lover
  • Set up a Mini Office 
  • Spring Flowers
  • Runny nose, yuck
  • B got the stomach bug  
  • Bryson got laid out when B opened the fridge as He was running by :(
  • I lost my Kid... Yup! 
  • My hair is WACK

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3.5 Seconds

"Go get your coat, Lets go to the car"

I grabbed the diaper bag, put my shoes on and opened the door. Holding Bryson's hand we walked the path to the car.  Zoe (the dog) was running around with us so I let Bryson fallow her a few feet away from the car. I put the diaper bag in the car looked at Bryson and said "Come on lets go". He was about 25 feet away and started running towards me. I stepped up into the car leaned over his carseat grabbing a binky that fell and stepped back out. 3.5 Seconds. When I turned back around Bryson was gone.

Usually he would have been on the other side of the car or right next to me but this time I couldn't find him...? He was right there?!?! He was running to me...

I called his name and looked around. From where I was standing I could see a great distance and there is no way I couldn't have seen him run away. At first I causally walked around calling his name but with no response and time ticking I started to panic. My panic was, if he was chocking or in water my response time was running out!

Bryson???!?!?! Bryson?!?!?! 

I was more in shock he just disappeared when I could have seen him any direction he could have gone. I started to run to the beach, got half way there & remember telling myself he couldn't have made it that far without me seeing him. My Grandparents are my neighbors and they have a creek running through their yard. I checked there, I gazed the beach, I looked in the hedge incase he slipped. Nothing. I was in shock. He was only 25 feet away and just vanished. I think the thought of Aliens at this point could have been believable.

I rang my Grandparents door bell and ran away still looking yelling his name. Time was running out. I called my Mom who lives two miles away. She heard the fear in my voice and was on her way. I ran down my path back to my house to see if he was hiding behind a bush next to the door. Half way down the path I looked back at the car....

Standing in front of the car with the look of hide and seek on his face stood my little Boy. SAFE, Cute and playful. I ran up to him and when I got three feet away he started to run away like it was a game. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest and cry tears of joy. Ohhh the joys of Motherhood!

I'm not sure I can go through that again!

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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bryson's first Easter hunt

My Sister & Mother AKA: Bryson's Aunt & Grandma who spoil him, went all out for his Easter this year that B & I didn't get him anything.  Rules, yes their is always rules, No candy or video games.  Candy is pointless at this age and we are surrounded by God's creation so get out and enjoy it! I hope everyone's Easter was blessed, here are some pictures of Bryson's Easter.

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Thursday, April 24, 2014

She Eats Truth: The Truth

To be honest, I have been avoiding this post....

For a couple of reasons.
ONE- the obvious, I wasn't fallowing through with the thing I was writing about after I wrote it. I would get ready, pump myself up and prep then Blah nothing.
TWO- I needed to stop writing about it and just do it. This go around like I said before I was ready for a life change and not just a "diet".

A while back I took a Mommy break for a weekend and heading to Seattle to spend some time with my best friend. I needed the break, I needed the quite, I needed the rebut. When I was there I bought The Body Book by Cameron Diaz and dove right in. This is what I have been waiting for! You always here "Don't Eat That", "Trans fats are Bad", "Organic", "Whole Wheat"... But why? I needed more. I never want to say the word Diet again! I want a life change and that is my mission. Over the last few weeks my mind has enjoyed the challenge of breaking the old habits and creating a new life style. With this change comes health, feeling alive & enjoying the true beauty of food. God made food. I have for once in my life enjoyed the change and not embarrassed the "diet".  Sure I have my fall backs and mindlessly eat but its ok as long as I give myself grace and know that tomorrow is a new day

This is were I am
This is were I am Alive
This is were I am Happy

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

{This Moment}

 {this moment} –A single photo – capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.  

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Little 16 Month old Monster

I can't be anymore blessed to be able to stay home and raise this little man. Sure there are THOSE days, lots of them, but I wouldn't want to miss those either. Bryson is so smart and I'm not just saying that because he is my Son but man not sure were he got it from ;) We have a little book with animals all in a line and he can point out them all when you ask him "Where's the...?" 
Its amazing the growth of the brain so young. Smart little dude. 

Words of the Month: 
Pop, Gama, Ohie, Haught, ello,eight, Bahby
Which means: Popcorn, Grandma, Zoe, Hot, Hello, Light, Bye
Size 4 Diapers
Weight- 21.5lbs
Height- 31"
Shoe Size 4.5-5
9 teeth 
Sleeps 12hrs at night
Two naps a day
Loves Hide and Seek
Everything is thrown
Chasing Zoe is fun
Throwing rocks in the water is the best thing in the world! 
Loves to be outdoors
Rides his little 4wheeler
"Where's your: noise, eyes, head, ear, mouth, teeth?"
Screaming for fun is fun
Brushes teeth twice a day (not a fan) 
Snuggles more and more. YES!
A new bump on the noggin everyday
Total Boy!! 

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014


  • SPRING!!!!
  • Spent my Niece's 1st Birthday with her in Anchorage!
  • 28" of snow in Anchorage over night! AWESOME!
  • B put nerf (step) bars on his truck
  • Bryson is a great little jet setter 
  • Took a boat ride to town and went to Starbucks
  • Blowing bubbles is the summer sun
  • Strollers, sneakers and handheld kids fans
  • Made our living room bigger

  • Got the FLU, Felt. Like. DEATH! 
  • Fever blisters galore all over my lips 
  • B smashed his finger pretty purple good
  • Spiders are disgusting! 
  • Bryson is a walking punchbag, rowdy boy

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