Tuesday, April 30, 2013


April were did you go? Or for that matter the whole first part of the year! We have been more then blessed this year and look forward to the rest of it. Here are April's...

  • We had a lot of great weather to get some outside yard work done.
  • Bryson learned to roll over!
  • The first cruise ship of the summer season arrived.
  • Bryson went on his first boat ride.
  • Got lots of walking done.
  • Craft table is looking great.
  • Got some girl time with Jenn.
  • Zoe turned 8!
  • The whales are here. 
  • B gets to drive a big boy truck for work :)
  • Dusted off my camera.
  • My sister still hasn't come to visit :(
  • B got sick for a few days.
  • Bryson is having teething symptoms.
  • Weight loss stopped.
  • Fruit goes bad to fast!
  • I don't get together with friends as much as I would like. 

Here's To May!
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Friday, April 26, 2013

Bryson's first boat ride, the start to the summer season and lots of family fishing. Here we go....

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

I don't know about you but I take tons of pictures and with all the ways out there to take pictures from your smart phones, ipads and your camera (did you forget how to use those?) what do you do with them besides post them to facebook? Ever since B and I got together I have made photo books for each year. The first ones started out as scrapbooks then they turned into photo books. Thank goodness for Shutterfly photo books! I was getting crazy with scrapbook stuff, just way to much "stuff"! Now that we have a baby I have started one for him too. The ONLY way I can keep up to date with everything is once a month I go though my recent pictures and add them to my photo book. I keep the book in edit mode all year and add month by month. This way I am always getting the moments that I want to remember forever AND the good part is I can keep that book in my account until there is a sale! I love looking back, watching us grow, become adults, a family and just know through it all there is always love.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We often forget the little heartbeats at our feet, always excited to see you, warms your seats for you and loves you unconditional no matter how your day went...

I love these two! I got to take their pictures with their rowdy bunch. The loyalist friends you'll ever have, your pets.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Summer! Summer! Summer!
The whales are here, family's are on the water in their boats, the sun is out, my favorite time of year!! Bryson, Zoe and I have been walking it up putting some miles on those stroller wheels. My craft table has been put on hold and my workout pants have been in overtime. Much needed since Dockside Galley opened ;)
The other night just as I was falling asleep it sounded like my neighbors were lighting off fireworks. I looked out the windows but did not see anything. The sound kept getting louder! By the time I went outside on our deck I heard a whale blow... The whale was flapping his tale on the water that made a sound like seal bombs going off. I was so excited yet so tired at the same time.
Bryson has been going to bed by 7:30pm. 7:30! That's amazing yet early. It makes me feel like I should head to bed to so I get just enough rest too... Man, I feel old! HA!
Happy Almost Summer

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Don't let Google replace your Mother

With the over population of technology and need for speed I always find myself having to multitask to keep my busy world chugging along and my brain satisfied. With more and more ways to communicate without opening your mouth the further away intimate relationships become. Don't get me wrong I LOVE texting, emailing, blogging :) but there is something powerful in a voice on the other end of a conversation that is stronger then any technology invention out there.

The other day I was going to boil some eggs and I don't boil them um.. ever, so I didn't know how long to boil them before they cooked to long. My first thought was to call my Mom (because Mom's know everything!) then within a second I was picking up my phone to Google for my answer... I paused and realized I was replacing my Mothers advise with Google! Then I starting thinking how often I do this on a regular basis and miss out on just being present with people, real people.
When I was younger I used to write an Aunt who lived in California. Even though it was hard to read her writing because she had the fancy cursive I still loved them because it was her. Her hand touched that paper and it was the closest I could be to her with miles between us.
I want to write a letter to my Son every year of his life until he is older. I want to hand write each one so when my time is up he has something to touch from me that I wrote with my heart.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Belly Love

I love my friends but most of all I love my friends and their baby bellies! This is my beautiful friend McKinsee with little miss Elliot Rose I got to photograph last weekend. Due in July.

Congratulations you two, you are going to be the most fun parents in all the land :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Craft Corner

I opened this Esty shop a year ago but never fallowed through with it so here we go a home for my finished crafts! Laughing Fabric is moms little get-a-way. Because my personality is so... on a quad shot of coffee every hour, I usually at all times have 5+ crafts going on at once, literally! 

But my most of all favorite project in the whole world....
Not for sale ;)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Four Months

Four Months
Rolls onto side
Takes three naps a day
Laughs a lot!
Baby talks
Chews on his blankets
Total flirt
Sleeps 3-4hrs straight at night
Eyes are BLUE!!!
Can put pacifier back to mouth
Recognizes people
Sleeps with hands over face
Grabs his toys
Love handles!
Does a baby crunchy 
Likes his toes
Scream for fun
Has the cutest side smile
Bald spot on back of head
Still sleeping in our room

  I am so in love!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pregnancy & Labor, after the fact

Pregnancy & Labor- there is tons of personal stories, technique classes and couching for the big day but not a lot of women talk about the moment you take your new little one home...

Being a new Mother I was ready to go home. Ready for my own bed, shower, comfort of home. Not a lot was ever talked about what happens next. Thank the Lord for Motherly instincts and a patient helpful husband. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions that I had little control over. Not the crazy mean lady emotions just the crying, I'm going to miss you so much emotions. My poor sister probably thought I was going to die when she came to say goodbye! I finally had to tell them to just leave cause I wanted to stop crying lol! After a few nights of no sleep and naps during the day were unheard of I started to get the hang of things. I will say I never felt like I ever had a newborn... Our poor little guy had colic the first four weeks and never slept good or even napped that long and was awake for what seemed like forever. Crying all the time, not wanting to be held. He was so uncomfortable and the hardest part was there wasn't anything we could do. :( No one ever talks about this part. The part were your stress maxes out, were depression is so close to a reality. No one ever tells you that yes it is true you get to a point where you want to shake your baby, no one ever talks about these times because in some way the "world" classifies you as a "bad" Mother for having these thoughts. Why is there shame in this? Its an emotion not an action. Your world just changed FOREVER and will never be the same and some how we are supposed to keep it all together. Yes I love my child and would never change my life but why is it that this part of the baby story is left out?

Getting to know your little one is amazing. Their first smile melts your heart, the little cuddles you get could stop time and the milestones of growth are so heart warming. Bryson is almost ready to roll over and every time I have my camera ready to video it and he's sooo close! I just know the time he does I will not be ready :)

Around three months I started to lose my hair. I remember a friend telling me she went through the same thing. I looked it up on the internet and it said your hormones change around this time and some women lose hair from not even noticeable to dramatic. I will classify myself as dramatic!! When I take a shower and dry my hair I think cousin IT should be hiding in the bathroom. When we vacuum there is more of my hair then the dogs hair! Thank God I have a thick full head of hair but if this keeps up I may have to buy a wig! A few weeks ago I started to eat smaller portions and less calories with some exercise. I was doing great, lost 9lbs and felt so alive. With in a week my milk supply dropped so significantly that Bryson was even getting fussy I had to take a break. I was more depressed over my milk supply being so low then having to increase my calorie intake. It only took a couple days and everything is back on track so I am going to rearrange my food intake and hopefully keep things were they are.
Summer is defiantly on its way! The geese are in the yard, hummingbirds and bees are flying around and we are taking advantage of the warm weather. Bryson will be four months on Tuesday and we have a great picture to share. He is our handsome little man!
Happy Spring!