Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My year as a First

I didn't want to believe it, but its so true. Where did that time go? My sweet baby boy is already a year old. Bitter sweet. I remember it all. I want to always remember it. The long labor, the late nights, the easy breastfeeding, the nightly peeing all over, the smiles, baby farts, laughter, everything. Its this first year that I became what I was born to do Love. Its the hardest most rewarding love I have ever, ever had to give and its worth it.  Nothing could have ever prepare me to be a Mom, but my heart knew. My heart had more love then I ever knew existed.

Whoever said "Your first year of marriage is the hardest" obviously NEVER had kids!

I never knew I could do so much with such little sleep. B was great and helped when needed and then some. I don't think I could have got through the first year of being a Mom, doing so, with patience and love if my marriage wasn't stable. I remember talking to B one night after having Bryson and we both agreed its a lot harder then we both could have imagined. If I didn't have B's help and support for the unknown my patience for a crying colic baby would have been very short if any at all. 

Six weeks after Bryson was home I was exhausted. I wasn't quite sure what happened to my world and my brain was waiting to go back to work. At that six week mark my heart was changed forever. I had this little ten pound baby smile back at me, his Mom. It was THAT moment that I felt the true meaning of being a Mom. That moment that I knew I would do anything to keep this little being safe and love forever. I knew my life was worth more now then ever before.

 Thank goodness for Motherly instincts because I am a horrible plant owner!

I never had a "this is my favorite moment in age" I loved every growth spurt and am amazed at how fast the mind and body grow. Its a true beauty of God. I always looked forward to the 3,6,9 months of growth spurts because I couldn't wait to see who this little mini would be but also how I as a Mom would grow with him.

So here it is Bryson's big 01. I'm not going to lie when we sang him his first ever Happy Birthday song I did get a little teary eyed. Man after having a kid this whole new emotional side has came out. I kind of like it, it makes me feel real feelings, real moments, real love.

I love love love to plan for events, parties, vacations you name it so being a Mom and having Holidays, Birthdays & vacations I'm an A++ Mom when it comes to this. Yup, I am a sucker for all those Old Navy holiday shirts too! So, needles to say his Birthday was kind of a big deal. Even those he is only One I'm putting some points on my Mom board. Hoorah!

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