Friday, March 23, 2012

"Leaving on a jet plane"

Growing up on an island miles away from "America" or should I say shopping malls, I realize the things that can be taken for granted when you live in a larger town were you are within driving range of stuff you need.  Like a new pair of jeans... You go to the store, try them on, fork out some money and you have yourself a new pair of jeans. Here, You search websites, check out their size chart, order and then pay a HUGE amount of shipping on top of your purchase. Then once you get your order they usually don't fit and you pay to send them back... Did I mention I want to move? :)
My friend and I are headed to a Dental convention in Phoenix. We want to stick to our "eating healthy" plan, so I found a grocery store in Phoenix that will deliver our food right to our hotel! Can I just say its the little things in life that make my day!! We are also going to see Mirror Mirror opening night. I love getting out of town. Oh and I will be going to that mall and trying on jeans while I'm there.
B is already letting me know his plans of doing nothing while I'm gone! I swear that man can sit on a couch for the rest of his life and be happy. Note to self, always have a comfy couch. ;)


  1. Yay!! Have fun in Pheonix. Lucky, lucky gal!

  2. Yay! Welcome to the world of Blog!!!!! I will add you to my list :)
