Thursday, September 5, 2013

A littler Further North

I didn't have the nerves as I did when he was two and a half months old. I know his needs, I know him, I am his Mom. Bryson and I headed North to visit my Sister and Niece. Four and a half hours on the same plane with multiple stops we arrived in Anchorage happy, sleepy and rested. Bryson was SO good the whole way I didn't even feel like we traveled. We sat next to a lady that was very helpful and we had great conversations the whole way. I was thankful to have met her.
Bryson and Niece Cora were both tired when we arrived so the car ride home was them screaming back and forth. Super fun :) We had a great week. The weather was a little rainy but we got lots of time just being sisters that I have missed so much! The kids even had a play date and the Moms had adult time. Yes, it does still exist.  We packed up the kids and headed to the State Fair with Starbucks in hand. Ok, the Starbucks is everyday but still its a must! Fair FOOD Haha, need I say more?!?! Bryson loved the animals. His first time to a fair and my favorite part was watching him learn, watching him take in the world around him through those beautiful blue eyes. He is heaven.

I have to admit, My sister and I got a little obsessed with making baby blankets. Joanna's Fabric store had a HUG Labor Day sale and we kinda went there a few to many times. It was like crack for the stay-at-home craftier Mom!

 Cora & Bryson at the beginning of the week...
 At the end of the week! Haha
 We missed Daddy while we were gone.

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  1. So glad to hear he did well traveling!! Such a good boy!! And seriously, fair food? The BOMB. Gimme an elephant ear please!
