Monday, January 6, 2014

Slow Down 2014

Sorry I have not updated She Eats Truth or anything else for that matter. Wasn't it just two weeks until Christmas?!?! I did great my first week losing 10lbs and 8.95inches!!! and then... we had a last minute visit from some out of town family who stayed with us and I am not that strong! Back in full force today only gaining 5lbs of that back. I have been working on some posts to keep me motivated. Here are some pictures of our family visiting from WA.
Miss them already!

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  1. Love the blog post!!! Sorry we get got you off track! Miss you guys a ton already!

  2. Oh and I love the last picture!!! Funny how you and I are the only ones with teeth showing smiles. Lol!!!! Those darn Brissettes can't contain their excitement! Haha

    1. That is funny! lol darn them. You guys need to come back :(
