Tuesday, May 28, 2013

King Salmon Derby- First Weekend

Every year from when I was born (and before that) my family has been big in fishing the annual King Salmon Derby. I love it! Fish or not this is my time on the water with my family, like it or not ;) and catching a salmon is just a bonus... for me. This year is Bryson's first time fishing the Derby. HE WAS AMAZING! On the first day he took five naps. FIVE! I think I should invest in a water bed! HA! The weather was great, the fishing was slow but the family time is priceless. I caught a chum salmon, apparently he didn't get the memo its a king salmon derby, B caught a 24.4lbs king and my Dad caught a 30.3lb king. My Mom caught a 17.8lbs king on the second day and released two around 20lbs on the last day. (You can only keep one king a day and we were looking for some big boys) It was a great first weekend of fishing.

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