Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Boy Time & Water Love

We have a lot of girls around here and poor Bryson can tell. When our friends from Arizona came to visit with TWO boys Bryson was in heaven. He watched everything they did and wanted to be right there wrestling with them. After watching the two boys play with each other and have so much fun it made me want another boy (but not quite yet!) so Bryson could have someone to wrestle with. I think a trip to Arizona is in the works...

Our Summer has been amazing! I wanted to get Bryson a blue kiddy pool for our deck but they are sold out in town and not getting anymore this summer. So, like any creative Mom that wants to make their kid happy I fixed up a makeshift pool out of a diaper box and garbage bag. My baby loved it!

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  1. What a great idea for a baby pool from a diaper box!

    1. In this heat I was ready to use anything! :)
