Monday, July 29, 2013

Excitement Vs. Respect of Privacy

With all the social media out there, paparazzi, and news it seems privacy is off limits. I understand if you have a higher title (Kate & William, President) or you live the a life of a celebrity because it comes with the job but I want to talk about your personal "hometown" Excitement  Vs. Respect of Privacy. The one thing that really gets under my skin (mostly through Facebook) is when you scroll down your Homepage and there is a picture of a Bride & Groom saying their voes...Two...Minutes...Ago... What gets to me is its not from the Bride or Grooms page. They are probably tagged in it. Come on people, I know its an exciting time but have some respect for the couple. Its not about you right now and let the two people who have planned this day for over a year post their photos first unless told otherwise, by them. I love seeing pictures and announcements but this world gets so caught up in the excitement and "who can get the story first" we forget what respect for a persons privacy is. Posting "Congratulations" on a persons page before they announce anything is making it about you. If you really want to congratulate someone call them, private message them or text them if THEY have not yet made THEIR news public. You probably know the news because they told you being respectful to YOU so you don't hear it through Facebook first. There are very few things left in this world that are precious. Try to hold onto them. Try and be respectful.

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  1. I was literally JUST talking to my boyfriend about this! I think the public seems to forget that Kate and William, despite their royalty, are still regular people. How could they enjoy any time with their new baby while being bombarded my paparazzi?!

    I totally agree with Facebook, too. If I gave birth and wasn't the one to announce it, I would be livid!

    - Jen at Live in the Sunshine

  2. By the way, your bloglovin' link beneath your posts doesn't link to your profile. :(

    1. Thanks Ill fix that, I had a big mess yesterday :)

  3. I had NO desire to brush my hair the day after I gave birth let alone go see the world! Good for her she looked great but yes sad they cant truly enjoy this time.

  4. I admit, I'm guilty of being one of the people who sometimes gets over-zealous and overshares every.thing. But you make some awesome points!! I love this post!

    1. Thanks! I'v done it before and it is hard cause your so excited!!
