Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sleepless in Southeast

I'm thinking its boys... Most Mama's I'v talked to said their baby boy feed through the night up until a year old. A YEAR OLD! I am sleep deprived driving me to insomnia most days then not. I find myself laying in bed for two hours before I can sleep then waking up again a few hours later. I have started Bryson on foods but he isn't that into them. He watches us eat but then when he eats its no big deal and within 2-3hrs he is hungry again. I still have him in our room for a couple reasons:
1. If he is waking up three times a night to nurse I am not excited about making that many trips to another room, ect.
2. He is my baby. I feel that when I move him to his own room he is a big boy. He is growing up faster then I am ready for. I know its going to happen, sigh, but I am just holding on for a few more weeks.

Our night time routine:
  • 7:30pm Night time
  • 11:00pm Change Diaper, Nurse
  • 3:00am Change Diaper, Nurse
  • 5:00am Change Diaper, Nurse
  • 7:30am Wake up
Ugg, draining! There is also the in between "put the pacifier back in the mouth" wakening and the new thing is wetting through his diaper so you also add bedding and clothes changes a few nights a week. Well this is awesome!
I am trying to wean him of the three night feedings. I can handle one or two but THREE. Ai Yai Yai! Bryson is going to be Seven months soon and this Mama could use some sleep.
Insert sleep (   ) Here.
He started to sleep on his stomach but face down... The first night made me nervous.

I had enough. No sleep, hurt back, drained and mean. I set up an air mattress in Bryson's room. B had night time duty and was to only bring me the baby if he was hungry. Its was lonely and I did get some sleep but my body was used to less sleep so it made me more tired overall. So, here is how the next few nights went...

Night One with Dad:
  • 8:15pm  Night time
  • 11:30pm  Diaper Change, Nurse
  • 6:00am  Diaper Change, Nurse
  • 9:00am  Wake up 
Night Two with Dad:
  • 6:30pm  Night Time
  • 8:30pm Diaper Change, Nurse
  • 11:30pm  Pacifier
  • 1:45am  Diaper Change, Nurse
  • 7:00am Wake up, Nurse
Night Three with Mom, In Crib
  • 8:00pm  Night time
  • 3:45am Diaper change, Nurse
  • 6:30am  Diaper change
  • 7:45 Wake up, Nurse
Night Four alone in crib
  • 8:15pm  Night Time (I cried)
  • 11:30pm  Pacifier
  • 1:30am  Diaper change, Nurse
  • 4:45am  Diaper change, Nurse
  • 8:45am Wake up
After Bryson slept in the same room with his dad only I realized he slept better and when he wakes up and needed comfort he gets a different kind of comfort from his dad then from me, his Mom that can nurse his for comfort. Monday night was Brysons first night sleeping alone in his room. I nursed him before bed and while looking around at the room we created for him I had tears. Tears for how fast my baby is growing up. Tears for the blessings God has filled our life with and tears for the love of being a Mom. Bryson did great in his room and I didn't sleep much. Go figure Haha!

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